The Top 5 Reasons Why Winter Reigns Supreme

sunny snowy wooded winter scene

sunny snowy wooded winter scene

Spring, summer, fall or winter – many people have a preferred season. While each has its own charm, can one truly stand out as the ultimate? We’re casting our ballot for winter. Once you go through our top reasons why winter is so extraordinary, you might concur!

Snow Days

Think back to the thrill of playing in the snow as a child. You don’t need a school closure to relish a snow day. Embrace your inner child! Have a snowball fight, try snowball target practice or snow sculpting, construct a snowman or a snow fort! A winter hike along a local nature trail can be immensely gratifying. If you remain quiet and observant, you might hear and see birds, squirrels, deer, and other wild animals, or trace their footprints in the snow. Don’t forget to savor a cup of hot chocolate after some time out in the cold.

Visit a Ski Resort

When it comes to snow…winter is an ideal time to head to a ski resort with family or friends, especially if you enjoy being active outdoors during winter. Seasoned skiers and snowboarders can hit the slopes immediately, while novices can receive instruction from experts. Not into skiing? Give sledding or snow tubing a try. Even if you’re not athletically inclined, you can still partake in a winter escapade with your loved ones.

Enjoy the Holiday Decorations

Even if you don’t observe Christmas, you can still marvel at the splendid holiday decorations that adorn winter. The grander the better, as you and your family take a drive around town to admire the Christmas lights! On long and chilly winter nights, holiday decorations bring warmth and joy.

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Little Pleasures

Winter months offer spectacular sunrises. The reflection of the sun on a crisp, cold morning bouncing off the pristine white snow is stunning. If you rise early enough, these sunrises are awe-inspiring and something to cherish during winter.

Holiday Gatherings

Winter welcomes numerous holidays, including Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and the New Year. Family gatherings and holiday parties are integral to the season. We wear our festive sweaters, indulge in special dishes, and practice cherished holiday traditions. Some family customs involve giving back. During the holidays, numerous organizations collect warm clothing or food for shelters. You can volunteer to sing carols or engage in crafts with nursing home residents, or serve meals at a community outreach center. Performing a thoughtful act for someone else can greatly warm your heart.

Clearly, winter boasts a wealth of joyful times and enchanting moments. After partaking in holiday celebrations and fun with loved ones, you might just agree that winter truly is the finest season!