Simple and Delicious Christmas Treats

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Contributed by Sarah from The Cozy Homebird

Getting Christmas gifts always excites me… until I start considering what everyone might like. It’s so challenging deciding what to get, especially when gifting to the same individuals year after year. There’s a limited number of Boots gift sets or Primark cozy pajamas you can give before it looks like you’ve put no thought into your presents. Repeating the same gifts can seem quite impersonal!

This led me to realize that the effort and a touch of personalization make your loved ones feel cherished, especially if the gift caters specifically to their preferences.

From my experience, the gifts that have always garnered the most appreciation have been the homemade, edible ones! Hence, I’ve compiled 3 simple examples of DIY edible Christmas gifts and instructions on how to prepare them.

Additionally, creating these homemade edible presents can be a fun activity to involve your kids in, making them perfect gifts for teachers and other special people you might forget to include in your Christmas list!

These are my top 3 simplest homemade edible Christmas gift ideas!

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1. Christmas Cupcake Boxes

Who can resist cupcakes?

My suggestion when making these is to first figure out who you’re baking for. If you’re making them for multiple people, it’s easier to make different flavors. For instance, if you plan to give 12 cupcakes each to 4 people, you could make four different batches like chocolate, vanilla, orange, and lemon, and place 3 of each flavor in every box. You’re preparing four batches anyway, so it’s no extra work, but if you’re only baking for one person, sticking to a single flavor is less cumbersome.

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I also like to prepare a large amount of buttercream and decorate each cupcake with a piped swirl, as it speeds up the process significantly. Then, I add different toppings or sprinkles for variety.

Finally, place them in a cupcake box, decorate with Christmas ribbon, and you’ve got an ideal gift!

See also  The Sweet Story of Christmas Candy Canes

Recipe for a batch of 12 cupcakes:

5oz caster sugar
5oz butter/margarine
4oz self-raising flour
2 eggs
2tbsp cocoa powder or 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1 tsp lemon extract, depending on flavor (optional)

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14 oz icing sugar
7 oz butter
2tbsp cocoa powder or 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1 tsp lemon extract, depending on flavor (optional)
your choice of toppers/sprinkles
Tip – cupcakes turn out best if the mixture goes in the oven immediately after mixing. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees, place 12 bun cases in a bun tin, and have everything ready beforehand.
Firstly, put the butter/margarine and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat with an electric whisk or in a food processor until light and fluffy.
Secondly, add the eggs and continue mixing until combined.
Add flour and mix until combined.
Add your chosen flavoring, if any, and mix until combined.
Bake for about 20-25 minutes.
Tip – avoid opening the oven door until they’re ready. Check through the oven window.
Tip – when you think they’re ready, you can open the oven door and press on the top of the cupcakes with your finger. If it leaves a dent, close the door quickly and bake longer. If it springs back up, the cupcakes are done.

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2. Truffles

These make wonderful homemade edible Christmas treats and can appear quite elegant. For a fancy look, you can buy truffle boxes and cases from eBay and Amazon, then wrap the box with ribbon. Alternatively, for a more budget-friendly option, use cellophane truffle bags, available on eBay and Amazon, and simply tie some curling ribbon around the top.

This basic chocolate truffle recipe is designed to please everyone. Mixing milk and dark chocolate ensures both dark chocolate enthusiasts and hesitants enjoy them, while those who like both have the best of both worlds!

Feel free to add flavors or liqueurs if you think the recipient will appreciate them!

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100g milk chocolate
100g dark chocolate
200ml double cream
a pinch of salt
30g butter
your choice of coating

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First, chop both chocolates into pieces and place in a bowl over a pan of water on low heat with the butter. Melt slowly, stirring continuously to prevent overheating and sticking.
Add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor.
Once the chocolates have melted completely, pour in the double cream while gently whisking by hand.
When thoroughly combined, refrigerate the bowl for at least 2 hours. You can leave it overnight with cling film covering if needed.
After chilling for 2+ hours, remove the bowl from the fridge and use a teaspoon or small ice cream scoop to form pieces of the desired truffle size. Place them on greaseproof paper.
Roll the pieces into balls with your hands.
Next, choose your toppings and roll the truffle balls in them for coating, such as cocoa powder, hazelnuts, coconut, etc.
Refrigerate until you’re ready to bag or box them.

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3. Candy Cane Bark

If baking isn’t your forte, this one’s for you! No intricate decorating or precise oven timings, just melting chocolate and adding decorations (in this case, crushed candy cane). It’s simple, yet impactful!

600g chocolate of your choice
20 candy canes (or any other preferred sprinkles/toppings)

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Preparation involves lining a standard baking tray with greaseproof paper and chopping your candy canes, prepping any other toppings beforehand.
First, slowly melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of water on low heat.
Once fully melted, pour the chocolate into the baking tray, ensuring it spreads to all corners.
Next, sprinkle your chopped candy canes over the melted chocolate.
Refrigerate to set before breaking or cutting into pieces and packaging.

About the Author

I’m Sarah, a twenty-something homebody from the North East, UK, passionate about food and family! The Cozy Homebird is my blog where I share sweet recipes, family meals, activities, and home and seasonal holiday ideas!

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