Reasons for Digitizing Art

Artwork can be digitized for various reasons, such as creating a digital art portfolio or manipulating drawings in ways challenging to achieve on paper. Since physical art is fragile, many artists scan their drawings into the cloud to have a backup in case the original is damaged.

How to Do Digital Art: Digitizing Drawings
Mastering Digital Art: Converting Drawings to Pixels 9

Whatever your reason for digitizing your artwork, the process helps preserve your work as a permanent record, enhances your skills as an artist, and allows for creative freedom you might not have otherwise.

1. Tools Selection:

In translating the authenticity of hand-drawn art to the digital world, choosing a graphics tablet is crucial. Factors like pressure sensitivity, size, and functionality are important to consider.

Example: Renowned digital artists often share insights on their preferred tools, inspiring aspiring artists to make informed decisions. Showing your favorite artist’s portfolio, created using a specific tablet, can demonstrate the possibilities offered by that tool.

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How to Do Digital Art: Digitizing Drawings
Mastering Digital Art: Converting Drawings to Pixels 10

2. Digital Workspace Setup:

An organized digital workspace can significantly impact your workflow. Customize your software interface to enhance your creative process efficiency. For example, Adobe Photoshop allows you to create custom workspaces tailored to your needs. Arrange your tools, palettes, and menus for easy access.

Example: Various YouTube tutorials on optimizing Photoshop workspaces can help users set up an efficient environment. Show before-and-after snapshots of the workspace to highlight improved accessibility and functionality.

How to Do Digital Art: Digitizing Drawings
Mastering Digital Art: Converting Drawings to Pixels 11

3. Digitizing Your Drawing:

High-resolution scanning is essential to retain the details of your traditional artwork. Adjust brightness and contrast levels to improve visibility, facilitating a smoother transition to the digital format. Experiment with different scanning settings to find the optimal configuration for your artwork.

Example: Compare scanned drawings with and without contrast adjustments to demonstrate the impact on the final digital output. Provide side-by-side comparisons to highlight the nuances that become more pronounced with adjustments.

How to Do Digital Art: Digitizing Drawings
Mastering Digital Art: Converting Drawings to Pixels 12

4. Layering:

The functionality of layers is a game-changer in digital art. Separate elements into different layers for precise control, enabling editing of specific parts without affecting the entire composition. Use adjustment layers for non-destructive editing, allowing you to refine elements later in the creative process.

Example: Create a tutorial illustrating the transformation of a flat image into a layered masterpiece using tools like Photoshop or Illustrator. Emphasize how layers help make intricate changes without compromising the integrity of the artwork.