Whatever the reason, we can’t resist stocking up on them. For fashionistas like us, a great fashion magazine is akin to a sacred text – a boundless wellspring of inspiration, entertainment, and guidance.

In light of this, here is a rundown of today’s top four must-have fashion magazines:

1. Vogue

Vogue stands as an iconic choice, tracing its roots back to 1892.

Today, Vogue reigns supreme as one of the most renowned fashion publications globally, boasting over 23 international editions. Credit goes to the indomitable Anna Wintour, a true icon who has steered the magazine’s ship since 1988. Under her helm, Vogue has not just endured but evolved to cater to a broader audience.

As for Vogue’s content, it requires no elucidation – brimming with the latest in vogue trends and counsel.

2. Harper’s Bazaar

Harper’s Bazaar, with origins in the 19th century, claims the title of the first-ever fashion magazine. Interestingly, its debut issue in 1867 featured exquisite illustrations by Héloïse Leloir, showcasing bridal wear and autumn headgear ideas!

Today, Harper’s Bazaar remains a top contender. True to its inaugural promise, it holds court as a “repository of fashion, pleasure, and instruction.”

3. Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair boasts a rich heritage, birthed by the visionary Condé Nast in 1913 through the acquisition and relaunch of the publication Dress as Dress and Vanity Fair.

Despite facing challenges like the Great Depression which led to its closure and subsequent revival by the Condé Nast media conglomerate in the 1980s, Vanity Fair has graced us with iconic covers, including the legendary nude, pregnant Demi Moore shot by Annie Leibovitz.

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4. Elle

Founded in France in 1945 by Hélène Gordon-Lazareff and her spouse, Elle champions the cause of women in French society, aligning with the feminist movement – a theme that resonates through its very name (French for “she”).

Today, Elle remains committed to female empowerment, delivering insightful perspectives on current issues from a feminine viewpoint.

Moreover, Elle stands out as a versatile publication, blending avant-garde fashion showcases, runway features, and trend reports with beauty, relationship, and lifestyle tips.