Timing the Pool Opening for Summer

close up of hand dangling in pool water as person relaxes in an orange pool float

close-up of hand leisurely hanging in pool water while relaxing on an orange float

As the proud owner of a swimming pool, you likely monitor the weather forecast closely as you look forward to swimming season. But when exactly is that season? What’s the optimal time to get your pool ready?

The answer hinges on your location. In some regions, the climate is warm enough for year-round swimming. Elsewhere, the swim season is limited to just a few warm months.

Even so, some general rules can guide you.

Inspect the Temperature

For a good indicator of when to open your pool, observe the temperature. Ideally, nights without frost and daytime temperatures consistently at 70 degrees signal it’s time to prepare your swimming pool. Reviewing past weather records can help predict when these conditions usually manifest in your area.

This guideline is useful even with a pool heater.

Benefits of an Early Opening

Opening your pool as soon as the weather begins to warm, even if it’s not yet swimming weather, has several benefits.

Firstly, as plant life starts to return, so does algae in your pool. Removing the cover, filling it up,  cleaning your pool, balancing the water chemistry, and running the pump can prevent an algae problem.

Secondly, an early opening means no one impatiently awaits by the poolside, ready to dive in as soon as you give the okay. Preparing your pool early gives you a few weeks to complete the process without rushing. Also, it provides time to fix any faulty equipment.

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open inground pool with sprinkler

If the Weather Takes a Turn

Spring’s weather can be erratic. If temperatures drop suddenly, cover your pool and keep the pump running. Warm weather will resume soon enough!

While You Wait

If it’s not quite time to open the pool, you can prepare by ensuring you have all necessary supplies and chemicals. If you need to buy anything (including a new pool float or two), now is the ideal time!

Get everything cleaned and organized so you’re ready to go.

Spring’s mild days quickly turn to summer’s scorching heat. Knowing when to open your pool can save both time and hassle, bringing you closer to that first, refreshing swim of the season.